Archives: Crypto Team Member

Cynthia has a big smile standing in front of but apart from a crowd of people while wearing a grey beanie and big black coat

Cynthia Wuthmann

Chief Dream Alchemist & Founder brings fresh ideas, crisp communications, brand loyalty, and revenue successes. Work/life balance for Cynthia = skiing, ballet, trail runs with friends & her golden retriever & dancing it out. (she/her/hers)

Jenn smiles at the camera in front of a brick wall wearing a blue top

Jennifer Golbus

PR Savant with diverse experience directing in-house communications teams, co-founding and running an agency, and exceeding client goals while parenting terrific twin teenagers! (she/her/hers)

A close up of Season's face showing an eye looking up and her glasses with raindrops on them

Season Devereux

Art Direction Ninjaneer and an accomplished designer and art director with diverse experience, Season’s eye for design is extraordinary and she keeps her talent fresh by drawing, seeking inspiration in nature & training for dragon boating. (she/her/hers) 

Elijah stands smiling in a beanie, glasses, white button down, khaki pants and a jacket in front of a green mountain background

Elijah Collins

Lead Projects Officer helping clients turn their marketing ambitions and campaigns into realities through innovative and creative strategies. And wait for it: Elijah is a professional golfer making his way up to the top world tours. (he/him/his)

a picture of Tamara smiling at the camera with green grass in the background

Tamara Devereux

Director of Awesome who creates exciting, motivating, & engaging online experiences. After a day of digital design, Tamara runs treadmill and dreams about travel & exploring new places while reading 3 books at once. (she/her/hers)