wuthmann digital creative brief

Complete a creative brief for your project. Hit us with your best shot. Brand positioning Brand personality Purpose of the brand Target audience Demographic Psychographic Key benefits Reason why Intended reaction Tone Mandatories (logo, colors, features, hours, web, phone number, address, fine print)

brand strategy glossary, you are welcome!

Brand strategy positions a brand into its competitive marketplace. Setting strategy and making plans for branding will ensure consideration for the key drivers for generating demand, adoption and brand loyalty. Strategy for branding sets out messages (also described as messaging) that communicate brand attributes, benefits, essence, voice and personality. Brand strategy creates a brand blueprint […]

brand audit for everyone

1. What is the origin of your company or brand name ? 2. What does your organization do, and why does it matter? 3. How are you different from other organizations, brands or services like yours? 4. What are your long-term goals (5 years, 10 years)? 5. What would make your most important current project […]